Re: (no subject)

From: "Scott" <scott@CREEDLISTERS.COM>
Date: Sun
28 Apr 2002 15:08:49 -0400

The band being in a car wreck is covered in the Rolling Stone interview... and the spreading of such rumors is the reason that the Creed BB was closed down.
I would suggest simply waiting for the band and/or Wind-Up to make their official statement, and not bother listening to everyone else's assumptions as to what did or did not happen.
As for future postponed shows, just keep an eye on and they'll keep you updated on all the other shows.
----- Original Message -----
From: Annie Madden
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 12:03 PM
Subject: (no subject)

Hey does anybody know why the opening night concert for May 29th was postponed? I've heard that its because there are problems at the concert hall but I've also heard that its because of a car wreck with Scott Stapp (I hope and pray that's just a roomer) I have tickets for the next concert and I dont know if that ones gonna be postponed too. If anybody has any information please let me know